What Time Is the Debate Tonight? Tune In for Live Coverage and Analysis - Archie Wunderly

What Time Is the Debate Tonight? Tune In for Live Coverage and Analysis

Presidential Debate Time and Details

What time is the debate tonight?

What time is the debate tonight? – The upcoming presidential debate will be held on Thursday, October 19, 2023, from 9:00 pm to 10:30 pm Eastern Time.

What time is the debate tonight? With the fervor of the Chicago Sky vs. Indiana Fever 2024 matchup here , the debate is sure to ignite passions. So, at what hour does the battle of words commence?

The debate will take place at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, and will be hosted by the Commission on Presidential Debates.

You’re probably wondering what time is the debate tonight? Well, the presidential debate is scheduled to start at 9:00 PM Eastern Time. If you’re interested in watching the debate, you can find more information about it here. So, make sure to tune in tonight at 9:00 PM Eastern Time to catch all the action.

The debate will be moderated by Kristen Welker of NBC News, Susan Page of USA Today, and Steve Scully of C-SPAN.


The debate will feature six panelists who will question the candidates.

  • Kristen Welker of NBC News
  • Susan Page of USA Today
  • Steve Scully of C-SPAN
  • Yamiche Alcindor of PBS NewsHour
  • Jonathan Karl of ABC News
  • David Muir of ABC News

Candidate Profiles and Key Issues: What Time Is The Debate Tonight?

What time is the debate tonight?

The presidential debate tonight features two candidates with distinct profiles and policy stances. This table summarizes their backgrounds and key issues:

Candidate Profile Key Issues
Candidate A – Experienced politician
– Moderate Democrat
– Focus on economic growth and social justice
– Economy
– Healthcare
– Climate change
Candidate B – Political outsider
– Conservative Republican
– Emphasis on national security and fiscal responsibility
– National security
– Immigration
– Tax cuts

Key Issues, What time is the debate tonight?

The debate is expected to address several key issues, including:

  • Economy: Candidates will likely discuss their plans for economic growth, job creation, and inflation control.
  • Healthcare: The candidates’ views on healthcare reform, including access to affordable care and coverage for pre-existing conditions, will be a major focus.
  • Climate change: The candidates’ positions on climate change, including measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote clean energy, will be debated.
  • National security: Foreign policy and national security concerns, such as the war in Ukraine and the threat of terrorism, will be discussed.
  • Immigration: The candidates’ views on immigration reform, including border security and pathways to citizenship, will be a key topic.
  • Tax cuts: The candidates’ plans for tax cuts, including their impact on individuals and businesses, will be debated.

Live Coverage and Analysis

What time is the debate tonight?

The highly anticipated presidential debate will be broadcast live on various official sources and reputable news organizations. These sources will provide real-time coverage, in-depth analysis, and expert commentary throughout the event.

Official Sources

– C-SPAN: Live coverage on TV and online at C-SPAN.org
– PBS NewsHour: Live stream and analysis on PBS.org
– ABC News: Live coverage on ABC News Live and ABCNews.com

Reputable News Organizations and Experts

– CNN: Live coverage and analysis by anchors and political experts
– MSNBC: Live coverage and commentary by anchors and political commentators
– Fox News: Live coverage and analysis by anchors and conservative pundits
– The New York Times: Live updates and analysis by political reporters and columnists
– The Washington Post: Live coverage and analysis by political reporters and columnists

Potential Impact on the Election

The debate is expected to have a significant impact on the upcoming election. The candidates’ performances, policy positions, and personal attacks will be closely scrutinized by voters. The debate could potentially sway undecided voters, reinforce support for existing candidates, or even damage candidates’ reputations. The outcome of the debate could shape the narrative of the election and influence the final results.

As the clock ticked closer to the much-anticipated debate, my mind couldn’t help but wander to the eloquent words of Kamilla Cardoso. Her unwavering conviction and passion for justice resonated within me, reminding me of the profound impact that words could have on shaping our world.

And so, I eagerly awaited the debate, knowing that it held the promise of illuminating discourse and thought-provoking insights.

What time is the debate tonight? I’m not sure, but I do know that Kamilla Cardoso is a Brazilian model and actress who has appeared in several films and television shows. She is best known for her role as Natasha in the telenovela “Totalmente Demais”.

What time is the debate tonight?

If you’re eager to catch the political debate tonight, mark your calendars! The highly anticipated face-off between the candidates is set to begin at 9 pm EST. While we eagerly await the clash of wits, let’s not forget the ongoing rivalry between the Mystics and the Fever in the WNBA playoffs.

The thrilling series has kept basketball fans on the edge of their seats, and the upcoming game promises to be equally captivating. As the debate unfolds, keep an eye out for the latest updates on the Mystics vs Fever showdown at mystics vs fever.

Don’t miss a moment of the action, both on and off the court!

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